Flocabulary: I was introduced to Flocabulary three years by my teaching partner. I could hear booming (she has really great classroom speakers) catchy rap-based songs coming from her classroom. Since that moment I was HOOKED!
Have you ever thought... I want a really snazzy video clip to introduce this new concepts or I want a video that will reach all my learners. Every time I have thought that, I turn to Flocabulary and with little effort find the perfect video for math, an ELA concepts, or science.
Take a minute and watch this video, I took of my third graders watching the "I Feel Smart, I Feel Good, Multiply 0 & 1." This was their only second time watching the video. You know it is a catchy rap, when you catch yourself singing while cooking dinner!
IS IT WORTH IT?: Yes! And here is why.... over the last three years Flocabulary has gone up in price but it is STILL worth every penny. Engagement is key in my classroom and Flocabulary makes that happen.
Manga High: This is my second year using Manga High and my students LOVE IT! We use Manga High for our K-8 school district. MH is a game-based platform to help kids works at their level. I really like how you can create a "challenge" (or assign a specific common core standard) that my students can practice. One of my students all time favorite game is PEDMAS Blasters. I only wish I could block or hide certain games until I teach the concept.
IS IT WORTH IT? Yes... if your district is willing to pay for it. If not, it is on the expensive side.